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First Day Back- New Classes

As of yesterday, I am officially in my fourth semester at Iowa State University. Although I enjoyed break and all of my endeavors, I am really glad to be back. I have experienced all of my classes throughout the past two days and wow. Every semester it seems to get more and more interesting and more focused on my passions and interests. This semester I am taking 17 credits. I am taking CI 332, Educational Psychology for the Young Learned. The professor has already captured my attention by explaining to us that he is going to teach teaching as a science, although some consider it an art. I am also taking CHEM 102L Physical Science for Elementary Education. I really enjoyed my physics class in high school, and I have a feeling that I will really enjoy this class. My strength is not in the sciences, so I plan to take really good notes in this course and save them for when I teach. Also, I am taking KIN 284, Elementary and Preschool Movement Education. I have already been inspired by Dr. Vazou, whom is extremely passionate about physical literacy. I cannot wait to see when she has in store for us this semester! Also, I am taking SP D 250, Exceptional Learners. This class will be the foundation for my learning as a teacher who will be working with students will all different types of disabilities and exceptionalities in all different shapes and forms. Dr. Pat Carlson has taught me before for CI 245, and I cannot wait to see what more she has to teach me!

Along with these courses, I am also taking an Honors Seminar on Human Trafficking and an Introduction to Philosophy course, but I decided to not go into too much detail on those courses since this blog is primarily for my education class reflections.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to catch up with new class additions under the Iowa State Classes tab in the menu!

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