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That have helped me grow as an educator


Westwood Elementary

Fourth Grade Teacher

Ankeny Public Schools

Ankeny, IA



Certified English Teacher


I am currently teaching students English online through VIP Kid

Studebaker Elementary School

Fourth Grade Teacher

Des Moines Public Schools

Des Moines, IA


For my first and second years of teaching, I taught Fourth Grade at Studebaker Elementary Schools. Please click to butting for more details on my experience!

Science Center of Iowa

Summer Camp Educator

Summer/Winter 2018

​I designed and implemented weekly themed S.T.E.M. camps for 5th-8th grade students through project-based learning. I also led student in designing projects that included coding, the engineering design process, chemistry, physics, and multi-media creative applications

TRINECT Student Teaching

Third Grade Student Teacher / Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Heather Welle 

Garton Elementary School 

Des Moines, IA                  

August-December 2017

• TRINECT Program: Elementary STEM Teacher Education (

• Participated in a competitive 16-week urban student teaching placement

• Collaborated as part of a three-member team (triad) including an engineering graduate

• Developed and implemented lessons focused on integrating engineering into K-5 science 

  curricula, consistent with the Next Generation Science Standards

Iowa State University Classes

Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education

Endorsements in Mathematics and Reading


Magna Cum Laude Graduate

Below are links to several of my most influential classes.

Raising Readers of Story County

Reading Buddies Volunteer

Spring 2017

Site Supervisor

Summer 2017  

Designed and implemented Dialogic Reading Strategies and lessons with Pre-K students.

Designed intensive tutoring instruction for 13 tutor pairs based on student data. 

Developed a comprehensive report to outline student growth.

Toying With Technology

Teachers Assistant

Iowa State University 

College of Engineering


I was a T.A. for a class called Toying With Technology, geared toward teaching Elementary Educators the basics of teaching Engineering in the elementary classroom.

 ISU Leaders in Education and Diversity        

College of Human Science Representative


Attended weekly meetings and participated in programs supporting diverse students in Iowa.

Iowa State University Cultural Ambassador International Students and Scholars Office

Cultural Ambassador 


Mentored exchange students from Turkey to help them acclimate to their new culture at Iowa State University.


Summer of 2014 - Adventure Aide - Residential Adviser

Summer of 2016 - Residential Adviser

Throughout the summer, I was employed by Iowa State University Office of Precollegiate Programs for Talented and Gifted. I was employed as an Adventure Aide and was later employed as a Residential Advisor. In 2016 I was a Residential Advisor for a second time. I lived in with 4 other advisors, and roughly 70 Talented and Gifted students between ages 12-17 and led them in both academic and social-emotion learning activities.

Camp Adventure

Summer 2015

I flew over to Okinawa, Japan, and spent 10 weeks working with children on an American Army base.  For more information about my trip, click the image to the left!

Eastwood Academy

Ames Enrichment Academy

Adult Tutor

Spring 2015

Tutored adult women for HiSET Mathematics Exam.

Volunteered for the elementary student programs.

Best Buddies

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Best Buddies enhances the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) by providing opportunities for socialization and employment. I was paired with a female during my Sophomore year at Iowa State. Not only have we learned from each other, but we have bot gained new friendships and became more aware of different lifestyles.

Fellows Elementary

August 2013-October 2014

I volunteered at Fellows for about a year and a half. I was working in a t 2nd-grade classroom in order to help the teacher focus on specific students who needed extra attention. I also mentored a single boy for about 5 months.

Kate Mitchell Elementary

Spring 2014

I worked in a 3rd grade classroom twice a week for about 4 months. I was either observing, or helping the teacher out with small tasks around the room.

Battle of The Books

May 2014

At Central Elementary School in Nevada, Iowa, I volunteered to facilitate the annual Battle of the Books. I graded the students work, I facilitated the challenges and presented awards to the students throughout the night.

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Cogs, Nuts and Bolts
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