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CI 201


    Learning Technologies in the PK-6 Classroom.

Overview of ways to use educational technologies to support instruction in PK-6 settings. Focus on pedagogical approaches that integrate technologies to support learning in the content areas. Laboratory experiences include development of activities to use tool software, multimedia, web page development, digital video and other technologies to facilitate learning and teaching.

Throughout this course, we had to connect everything to the ISTE Standards for teachers, and sometimes the ISTE Standards for Students.


"Effective teachers model and apply the ISTE Standards for Students  as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. All teachers should meet the following standards and performance indicators"

As stated in the attatched document containing the PDF file.

For one unit we focussed on infusing technology with Mathematics. We spent about 3 weeks on this unit, and you can see most of my work within the portfolio page attatched.

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